Free wireframe template

Prototype your future website using techniques from design thinking

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Use our free template to prototype your next website and use it to learn how users will interact with it.

94% of people declare that poor design is the primary reason they mistrust or reject a website. It is evidence that websites must be crafted with the user in mind. How can company owners, marketing leaders or freelancers make sure of that?

Using wireframes blocs is an easy and rapid method to prototype an entire website. In a few minutes, a tangible website experience can be crafted, and, more importantly, the prototype is flexible enough to be modified anytime.

Download our free template that includes multiple website “blocks”, conceived to work together. Paper, scissors and a big table are all you need to prototype your next website. Craft, test, and iterate the process until you are sure that you will deliver the best experience.

How to use the template?

1 – Reflect

Think about your website’s main user: who is she? what does she want to achieve? What makes her happy and what annoys her? Those questions will generate good insights that will help you produce the first version of your website.

2 – Prototype

Based on what you know about your users, craft a first version of your website. Take a few minutes to assemble blocks and think of what content should go where. Use post-its to represent internal and external links.

3 – Test

Now that you have a tangible prototype of your future website, use it to test the concept on real people. You can ask colleagues or friends, but real users would provide more relevant insights.

4 – Learn and Iterate

Based on your test, learn what works and what doesn’t on the current concept. Where people are blocked? What do they want to access? How do they feel? Use that information to produce the next prototype and iterate the process

How does it look like?



Download the template now!

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